About Us

Thessaloniki - HeadOffice

In 1974, DIMITRIOS ANASTASIADIS established a company, called FIBRAN SA, in Thessaloniki, Greece, to produce prefabricated construction elements for the local market.

In less than 50 years, the small Greek company has grown into a European giant: FIBRAN is today a multinational industrial group with 14 production lines, factories in 7 European countries and commercial activities in 63 countries worldwide. It is currently the 3rd European producer of extruded polystyrene and enjoys an unquestionable leadership in the field of thermal insulation, sound insulation and passive fire protection in civil, industrial and naval fields.

However, the Fibran Group has not forgotten its roots, nor lost the sense of its story: Maria Anastasiadou, daughter of the founder Dimitrios Anastasiadis, leads the Group today from the Thessaloniki headquarters, in a "glocal" perspective: a global business vision, a close connection with the various local realities.
The soul of the company is still a Greek one.

The Fibran Group today has two divisions:

  • FIBRANgyps develops dry construction systems for partitions, lining-walls and false ceilings, for interiors and exteriors, marketed under the FIBRANgyps and FIBRANprofiles brands; the production site is in Italy, in Roccastrada (Italy), where the company owns an entire gypsum quarry.
  • FIBRANinsulation designs and manufactures mineral wool, extruded and expanded polystyrene insulation products marketed under the FIBRANgeo, FIBRANxps and FIBRANeps brands. Stonewool products and felts are manufactured at the Terpni plant, in Greece; the polystyrene panels are produced in Slovenia, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Expanded polystyrene are produce in Macedonia.

The FIBRAN products, whatever division they belong to, all express the Group's "philosophy of values".


FIBRAN products meet all the requirements imposed by specific European regulations; they are also guaranteed by a safety data sheet and accompanied by certifications. Rock wool products, for example, are biosoluble certified and non-hazardous inert waste. The innovative products developed thanks to a new technology, called FIBRANgyps CARE®, just to give another example, do not emit but absorb chemical pollutants (VOC), and are therefore the best choice for building hospitals, homes and schools.


The Fibran Group works tirelessly to develop products which are sustainable, with no impact on the environment and on the greenhouse effect, and free of hydrofluorocarbons. The Terpni plant (Greece) boasts the EN ISO 14001 environmental certification and is a true "zero impact" facility. Furthermore, all FIBRAN products and solutions aim to achieve full energy efficiency in public and private buildings, in civil and industrial applications.

Read more about FIBRAN's Environmental Policy in the Download/Company Certifications section.


In the construction industry, the use of low quality components or materials can lead to tragedies with a shameful cost in terms of human lives. FIBRAN products boast quality certifications and comply with the strictest international tests. For this reason they are now used in hospitals (12 major hospitals and medical centers in Italy only), in schools (from primary to high schools), in shopping centers (especially in Italy and Spain), and in the most prestigious offices (such as the Unicredit and the Isozaki Towers in Milan, the Region Tower in Turin, and the Confindustria Conference Hall in Rome).


FIBRAN SpA, the Italian branch of the group, has completed the migration from the OHSAS 18001: 2007 certification, obtaining the UNI EN ISO 45001: 2018 certification according to the procedures of the TUV Austria CERT: the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification is an organizational tool that allows the company to better manage the safety of its own workers, optimizing risk management and improving its performance in terms of activities, products and services.