FIBRANgeo B-570
Product Description
FIBRANgeo B-570 Semi Rigid Stonewool insulation board is semi rigid, industrially produced from molten rock spun into fibres. It is classified as mineral wool product for use in building insulation, according to the European Standard EN 13162 (MW – Mineral Wool insulation products). Stonewool is a natural inorganic fibrous material, widely recognized for its thermal and sound insulation properties, as well as its excellent performance towards fire protection.
FIBRANgeo B-570 is suitable for use in all building types and constructions.
Thermal-acoustic fire insulation of cavity in vertical building elements, such as:
- Twin-skin metal wall cladding (on site construction) with core insulation
- Masonry cavity walls
- Dry construction walls with core insulation (gypsum boards, timber panels, etc.)
- Masonry walls with dry lining/cladding (gypsum boards, cement boards, metal panels, etc.)
- Walls with perforated dry lining (gypsum panels, metal panels, etc.)
Thermal-acoustic fire insulation of cavity in horizontal building elements, such as:
- Twin-skin metal roof cladding (on site construction) with core insulation
- Between roof frame elements (rafters, beams, joists)
- On attic ceiling lining
- Between timber floor joists
- Pilotis external insulation with dry board cladding
- Dry construction ceiling (gypsum board, etc.)
- On non- perforate suspended ceiling lining
- On perforate ceiling lining
- Acoustic-thermal-fire insulating panels
- Acoustic-thermal-fire insulating doors